Where everyone is seen and creativity soars!

VISTO (adjective)

Visto | vì·sto : to be seen and known

VISTO is the first performing arts camp of its kind in Canada. It launches its mission with the same values and standards as the longstanding theatre company, K2K Productions.

We believe that every child, regardless of their experience or background can be transformed through theatre and faith. We strive for every student to find a place to belong, discover where they fit in and their purpose. We share who God is and His promises. And we do all this through the common interests of storytelling, music, dance and drama.

Read below to learn more about our camp philosophy, what to expect at camp & where we're offering camps in 2024.

2025 Camps



for Grade SK - Grade 8

Our Camp Philosophy

Our mission is to create an experience of excellence that supports campers age 5 to 14 years as individuals and artists. Through song, dance and faith-based activities, we want to ensure that each camper experiences a sense of belonging and purpose as they grow in their understanding of who God created them to be and an exceptional experience in the arts.

Weekly camps provide students with the opportunity to build friendships and accept one another for the gifts they've been given.  We create a sense of belonging and security through face-to-face relationships, staff trained leadership, a 4:1 ratio of students to leaders, participation and safe boundaries.

2025 Camps

What To Expect At Camp

Weekly camp experiences will be dynamic, enthusiastic, empowering, reflective and creative outlets for everyone.  Although there is a 3-week cycle to the themes being presented in July & August, each week will be unique in it's own way - just like each one of us!

Each day students will be learning choreography, songs and lyrics to some of the BEST music you can find!  These songs are significant in that they may be familiar or unfamiliar to some but take on a whole new meaning when combined with VISTO!

Every camper will have access to resources on our Backstage portal to become familiar with songs and have fun! VISTO's creative team will create synergy and build confidence in all campers and counsellors as they explore and build skills!  Daily Challenges, enriching conversations, high-impact activities and crafts will be entwined within the days while allowing for moments of reflection.

2025 Camps

What Campers Will Do

Campers will arrive by 9:00am to be signed in and welcomed!  They will be introduced to a small group of similar age campers and immediately start learning more about each other.  These groups will be consistent each day and sometimes combined with others for dancing, singing and camp themes. 

Camp shirts and any "Add-On Orders" (hoodies, bucket hats, tshirts, water bottles) will be distributed on Day 1 for your enjoyment!  With all that to say, VISTO staff will be ready to inspire campers day-after-day. 

The momentum and opportunity to perform and share talent will lead to VISTO's Showcase Performance & Celebration on Friday afternoon of each week.

2025 Camps

It Takes a Village

With safety being the utmost importance to us, our staff will come to camp equipped with two weeks of training where they will not only build familiarity and confidence in the weekly programming, safety policies and mentoring, but will also complete our trusted Plan to Protect certification.

With a 4:1 ratio of students to leaders, we want you to rest assured that your child is SEEN and safe, physically and emotionally all day long. 

VISTO's SHOWCASE PERFORMANCE & CELEBRATION allows our community, family and friends to surround young people and cheer them on as they share their talent, insight and a message of hope. This event allows campers to build their confidence even further and with their peers while being reminded that they are created for a purpose.

2025 Camps

Grade SK-Grade 8

One week camps

July & August 2025

Ages 13-17 years

Leader in Training Opportunities

Ages 14-90 years

Volunteer Opportunities, 1 hour - Full days

Camp Locations:

800 Juliana Dr., Woodstock, ON

700 Downie St, Stratford, ON

Cost: $295 / week


VISTO Performing Arts Camp

Summer 2025 will be K2K's 3rd Season of VISTO Performing Arts Camp!

Enrolment is expected to fill; so don't delay registering your camper for

an extraordinary week of transformation!

VISTO 2025 will be hosted at a school and church within the cities of Woodstock & Stratford , ON.

800 Juliana Dr, Woodstock • 707 Downie St., Stratford

With the growing interest in theatre and the arts through K2K Productions, we look forward to ViSTO Camp being offered in other cities in the very near future.

If your organization, church or community centre is interested in hosting a VISTO Camp experience in future summers, please contact us here.

Thank you for your confidence in this ministry and the ability to work together

serving young people!

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